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sobre tokio hotel

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Tokio Hotel : Loading zoom.. TokioHotel Bill Kaulitz (vocals) Tom Kaulitz (guitar) Georg Listing (bass) Gustav Schafer (drums) No one in the world is more prepared to bask in the glow of American rock stardom than the members of Tokio Hotel. Humanoid is only their second U.S. release, the follow up to 2008's Scream, but to millions of fans across the globe, they're already icons. "Things are just starting for us in the US," says Bill Kaulitz, the band's front man, the leader of a worldwide army of black leather- and eyeliner-clad devotees. "What we've already experienced has been just great, and we're looking forward to it starting again." The biggest act to come out of Germany in 20 years, Tokio Hotel has gone 10x platinum, scored four No. 1 singles and sold out arenas and stadiums across Europe. They scored a Best New Artist VMA from MTV in 2008. Their rocket to success launched in 2001 when Bill and his twin brother Tom -- the band's hip-hop-tinged, dreadlocked guitarist -- formed the band along with bassist Georg Listing, now 22, and drummer Gustav Schafer, now 21. They started at age 10 performing for small crowds around their hometown, Magdeburg, a salt-mining village that was formerly part of East Germany. Growing up in one of the most dismal parts of Germany, Bill and Tom were different from their classmates, almost alien. They were the underdogs. The twins knew that they had to break out of there. Tom had started fooling around with a guitar at age 7 and at 13 together with an already spiky-haired Bill, they caught the attention of some of Europe's best-known producers (including Humanoid producer David Jost) and solidified their heartfelt pop-rock formula. Originally called Devlish, they changed their name before releasing their first German-language record, Schrei (Scream in English). By 2005, they embarked on what would be the most successful debut tour of Germany by a new artist. In 2007, they released their second German record, Zimmer 483 (Room 483 in English), and were selling out monster European arena shows in minutes. Like wildfire, the band gained the attention of an entire generation. In France, the group's popularity exploded. They went from playing small club gigs for 500 to performing at the foot of the Eiffel Tower for a crowd of 500,000 screaming fans phonetically belting out the words to Tokio Hotel's German hits. Soon after they made a history by becoming the first German band to score a #1 hit on the Israeli radio charts. In 2008, after a grueling 43 shows, Bill endured surgery for cysts on his vocal cords but was back on the road performing around the world within two months, shortly after Scream was released for the first time in the U.S. in 2008. Humanoid is packed with much of the same emotion that has connected with multitudes of young fans. And in this age of Rock Band and Guitar Hero, the record is full of opportunities for audience participation. The first single, "Automatic" is a metallic anthem with layered, buzzing guitars, stomping percussion, and a falsetto chorus made to be belted out by a stadium full of people. "World Behind My Wall" redefines the power ballad with depth, introspection, musical confidence and an irresistible sing-along chorus. While recording this time around, though, the band was in its most experimental phase to date. They tracked songs in Hamburg, Miami, and L.A. "Bill drove us all crazy, constantly coming in with things, even though the old songs weren't finished yet," says Tom, who's fond of frequently ribbing his brother. "Apart from that, we just didn't limit ourselves, and we used new instruments." There are more electronic sounds on Humanoid. The first single "Automatic" explores the relationships between every day emotions and every day conveniences. "How many things happen automatically every day?" Bill asks. "The door opens and closes automatically, shifting gears in a car; a camera lens -- all of those are always positive things, but when the mechanical quality of the automatic meets human things like love, then suddenly it becomes extremely negative. Love has to be spontaneous and genuine, never automatic and cold.Ӏ That's the theme that moves people. Along with the new sounds, new subjects, new live show, and even Bill's new style, longtime fans will still find the constant connection to Tokio Hotel's raw honesty and emotion. "We love our fans because they are the loudest of all and do such crazy things," Bill says. "They always support us, no matter what has happened, and a lot has happened."

miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010

AmOr+OdiO=nosotros????capitulo 18

En el capitulo anterior.....

andrea:yo voy bea-abri la puerta y lo que vi me dejo marcando ocupado-tu?? que haces aca????..............

__________.que esperabas que despues de haberte visto con mi pololo no hiciera nada?no tontita-dijo esto entrando a mi casa,como si nada
andrea:a ver tonta en supremasia,parece que no escuchaste bien en la tarde,yo ando ahora con tom asi que tu ya fusite y sabes,no tengo porque darte explicaciones,yo no !!!!ve y pidelas al que termino contigo ,osea osito rastafariii!!!!!!!! que de hecho ya no se llamara mas asi
diana:estuve esperandolo toda la tarde afuera de su casa-y era verdad estaba toda mojada y con el maquillaje corrido parecia salida de una pelicula de terror pero de esas baratas xdxd con poco presupuesto.
andrea:ahora que te veo bien te estas preparando para halloween??lo digo por el maquillaje y eso???
diana:disculpa!!!osea nada que ver,para eso estas tu no una belleza como yo
andrea:en fin no tengo toda la noche la escuchar tus tonteras,ya te dije anda donde tom a molestar que yo quiero dormir-la tome del brazo y la puse en la puerta
diana:esta bien pero te acordaras de mi,te juro que esta me la pagas-dijo en forma teatral
andrea:como con redcompra,visa,mastercard???-dije molestandola,justo en ese momento venia bajando las escaleras bea
bea:que hace ella aca andrea!!!!-dijo apuntandola
andrea:de hecho ella ya se va bea,sabes te hago el honor-dije pasando a un lado
bea:con muchos gusto lo la hecho-y asi fue la tomo del brazo y la tiro puerta afuera-y pobre de que le hagas algo malo a mi hermana porque te juro que te saco tus ojos y me hago un par de llaveros-tengo que admitir que la advertencia de bea fue un poco violenta hasta a mi me dio miedo xdxd pero asi es ella.
diana:ya te lo dije andrea,me laas vas a pagar-dijo muerta de miedo al ver que bea hacia como si saliese de la casa
bea:que onda que le pasa a loca esa,porque te amenazo,que le hiciste andre???
andrea:si te digo que ando pololeando con tom,pero es de metira-me apure en decir ya que me miraba como si me hubiera vuelto loca-es para que diana deje de perseguirlo,y para que alex sepa que existo por eso lo hago

bea:ahy hermanita estay mal hiciste un pacto con el mismismo joker,tom es tramposo por naturaleza,pero en realidad no me preocupo por ti si no por tom pobre si se pasa de listo contigo ya que le va a ir muy mal creeme
andrea:jajaj bueno ,ya vamos a dormir xdxd que despues del dia de hoy estoy muerta,hasta creoq ue soñare con diana ,la viste parecia que estaba salida de una peli de terror xdxd
bea:eso seria una pesadilla andre-DIJO muerta de la risa
andrea:sii xdxd

el domingo paso sin novedad hasta que llegamos al dia lunes yo crei que iba a ser peor que diana se trataria de vengar y eso,pero su venganza era tan mala que hasta me daba risa,un dia trato de jalarme el pelo y calculo mal la distancia lo cual provoco que se cayera al piso y quedara besando el piso ,obviamente bea disfruto eso un monton xdxd,de tom nada que hablar nuestra relacion era la misma sin variaciones,solo que ahora aprentavamos llevarnos bien ,pero solo duraba 5 minutos ya que no faltaba quien dijera una pesadez del otro lo cual hacia que nos picaramos y comenzaramos con nuestras suponia que alex tendria que sentir un poco de celos,lo contrario se mataba de la risa cuando nos veia juntos y mas si discutiamos decia que eramos una pareja dispareja muy enamorada.y asi llego el viernes el ultimo dia de la semana escolar

bill:saben quiero comprame unas nuevas poleras por que las que ya tengo estan medias viejitas
andrea:si te puedo acompañar ???yo necesito comparme unas nuevas zapatilllas las que tengo estan muriendo y mi mama me amenazo con botarlas a la basura
bill:si vamos ,lisa quieres ir de compras con andre y conmigo??-le pregunto a la timida lisa con cara de esperanza lo cual me parecio raro
lisa:esta bien los acompaño
_____:compras quien dijo compras!!!!!!!!!!!!-grito una persona con voz de deseperacion a nuestras espaldas
KARA:YA LOS ESCUCHEEEEEEEEEE,NOS VAMOS DE COMPRASSSS!!!!!!SIIIIIIII-daba saltitos de felicidad,si habia una cosa que le gustara mas que bill en esta vida a kara era irse de compras le encantaba derrochar plata xdxdx parecia que la poseian ,cambiaba completamente cuando escuchaba la palabra oferta o liquidacion o porciento de descuento,asi que no nos queda de otra la teniamos que llevar
bill:bueno si quieres ir vamos,va tambien lisa y andre
kara:si bill es una cita entonces-dijo muy coquetamente
lisa-y andrea:hee????'que fresca-esto hizo que nos partieramos de la risa y que el pobre de bill se pusiera rojo como un tomate,este viaje de seguro va a prometer

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