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sobre tokio hotel

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Tokio Hotel : Loading zoom.. TokioHotel Bill Kaulitz (vocals) Tom Kaulitz (guitar) Georg Listing (bass) Gustav Schafer (drums) No one in the world is more prepared to bask in the glow of American rock stardom than the members of Tokio Hotel. Humanoid is only their second U.S. release, the follow up to 2008's Scream, but to millions of fans across the globe, they're already icons. "Things are just starting for us in the US," says Bill Kaulitz, the band's front man, the leader of a worldwide army of black leather- and eyeliner-clad devotees. "What we've already experienced has been just great, and we're looking forward to it starting again." The biggest act to come out of Germany in 20 years, Tokio Hotel has gone 10x platinum, scored four No. 1 singles and sold out arenas and stadiums across Europe. They scored a Best New Artist VMA from MTV in 2008. Their rocket to success launched in 2001 when Bill and his twin brother Tom -- the band's hip-hop-tinged, dreadlocked guitarist -- formed the band along with bassist Georg Listing, now 22, and drummer Gustav Schafer, now 21. They started at age 10 performing for small crowds around their hometown, Magdeburg, a salt-mining village that was formerly part of East Germany. Growing up in one of the most dismal parts of Germany, Bill and Tom were different from their classmates, almost alien. They were the underdogs. The twins knew that they had to break out of there. Tom had started fooling around with a guitar at age 7 and at 13 together with an already spiky-haired Bill, they caught the attention of some of Europe's best-known producers (including Humanoid producer David Jost) and solidified their heartfelt pop-rock formula. Originally called Devlish, they changed their name before releasing their first German-language record, Schrei (Scream in English). By 2005, they embarked on what would be the most successful debut tour of Germany by a new artist. In 2007, they released their second German record, Zimmer 483 (Room 483 in English), and were selling out monster European arena shows in minutes. Like wildfire, the band gained the attention of an entire generation. In France, the group's popularity exploded. They went from playing small club gigs for 500 to performing at the foot of the Eiffel Tower for a crowd of 500,000 screaming fans phonetically belting out the words to Tokio Hotel's German hits. Soon after they made a history by becoming the first German band to score a #1 hit on the Israeli radio charts. In 2008, after a grueling 43 shows, Bill endured surgery for cysts on his vocal cords but was back on the road performing around the world within two months, shortly after Scream was released for the first time in the U.S. in 2008. Humanoid is packed with much of the same emotion that has connected with multitudes of young fans. And in this age of Rock Band and Guitar Hero, the record is full of opportunities for audience participation. The first single, "Automatic" is a metallic anthem with layered, buzzing guitars, stomping percussion, and a falsetto chorus made to be belted out by a stadium full of people. "World Behind My Wall" redefines the power ballad with depth, introspection, musical confidence and an irresistible sing-along chorus. While recording this time around, though, the band was in its most experimental phase to date. They tracked songs in Hamburg, Miami, and L.A. "Bill drove us all crazy, constantly coming in with things, even though the old songs weren't finished yet," says Tom, who's fond of frequently ribbing his brother. "Apart from that, we just didn't limit ourselves, and we used new instruments." There are more electronic sounds on Humanoid. The first single "Automatic" explores the relationships between every day emotions and every day conveniences. "How many things happen automatically every day?" Bill asks. "The door opens and closes automatically, shifting gears in a car; a camera lens -- all of those are always positive things, but when the mechanical quality of the automatic meets human things like love, then suddenly it becomes extremely negative. Love has to be spontaneous and genuine, never automatic and cold.Ӏ That's the theme that moves people. Along with the new sounds, new subjects, new live show, and even Bill's new style, longtime fans will still find the constant connection to Tokio Hotel's raw honesty and emotion. "We love our fans because they are the loudest of all and do such crazy things," Bill says. "They always support us, no matter what has happened, and a lot has happened."

miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010

AmOr+OdiO=nosotros????capitulo 24

capitulos 24


Tom:Andrea apurateee!!!! Que vamos a llegar cuando bill ya le haya pedido pololeo a Michel, y yo quiero grabar ese momento,y asi molestarlo muajaj-dijo con una risa muy al estilo de villano

Andrea:ya ya yaaa!!1 estoy lista-dije dándome una vuelta-vamos

Tom:Andrea,no encontraste una polera mas chillona que la que traes

Andrea:que tiene mi polera-dije mirándola

Tom.mmm no se QUIZAS PORQUE ES DE UN AMARRILLO PATO!!!!!Y TRAE LA CARA DE BOB ESPONJA!!!!!!-dijo mirándome horrorizado-lo único que te falta es un cartel que diga¡¡¡¡¡animo bill de parte de Andrea y tom!!!!

Andrea:hay que pesado que eres yo encuentro que paso desapercibida-dije mirando mi vestimenta, una polera amarilla un poco chillon,unos jeans negros, y mis converse, aaa me faltaban los lentes de sol oscuros

Tom:si claro debi de traer un abrigo extra bill tiene muchos,y no se para que???-dijo

Andrea:hay si paso super desapercibida,que extremista que eres,ya vamos que nos espera harto por caminar,a menos que tu pagues el taxi?

Tom:que yo!!!me viste cara de hijo de dueño de banco??’,soy una persona pobre!!!!-dijo

Andrea:bla bla bla,siempre igual amarrete,vamos-dije saliendo de la casa seguida de tom

Tom:sabes viéndote bien no te queda tan mal tu vestimenta tus jean me gustan se ven bien-dijo mirando todo menos mis jeans

Andrea:si ,sigue mirando y veras muy bien ,pero mi puño!!!estamparse en tu linda cara-dijiste molesta y poniéndote los lentes de sol-y apurate que nos toca caminar media hora

Tom:caminar con este sol???nooooooooo-dijo casi haciendo pucheros

Andrea:camina flojo

Nos pusimos a caminar casi por media hora hasta cuando llegamos al parque y empezaba nuestra búsqueda y nuestro trabajo como agente secretos, se suponía que teníamos que pasar desapercibidos pero con nuestra ropa ya no lo hacíamos .

Tom:ya nadrea este es el plan los buscamos y cuando los encontremos nos quedaremos atrás de unos arbustos mirando todo ok-dijo

Andrea:ok,de verdad tengo que estar o muy aburrida o muy loca por haberte acompañado hoy

Tom:o muy enamorada de mi para seguirme el juego y estar a mi lado xd-dijo convencido y muerto de la risa

Andrea:si tom me haz descubiertooo estoy loca y terriblemente enamorada de ti-dije en forma irónica

Tom:lo sabia

Andrea:ya apurémonos, que el tiempo es oro

Tom:ok,tu hace lo mismo que yo porque yo tengo mucha experiencia en esto de los espías-dijo poniendo sus manos como pistolas a lo ángeles de Charlie

Andrea:si todavía me acuerdo la ultima vez que te las diste de espia-e inmediatamente me acorde de tom y la ramita que l atapaba solo los ojos, y no pude disimlar no reirme

Tom:bueno hasta los mejores espias cometemos errores además esta vez será distinto

Andrea:esta bien vamos-caminamos unos diez minutos y Eureka!!!! Habíamos encontrado a la pareja estaban sentados en un banco con vista a una laguna qué había en el parque ,estaban muy acaramelados

Tom:hay están –dijo gritando como si estuviera en un estadio de futbol y apuntando en dirección a la pareja

Andrea:shussss cállate-lo jale del brazo para que no nos pillaran-se mas disimulado se suponía que yo no pasaba desapercibida con mi polera

Tom:bueno yaaa!!!,busquemos un arbusto mas cercano

Andrea:esta bien-encontramos uno que estaba muy cerca de la parejita lo que fue ideal,lo malo es que no nos dimos cuenta que en ese arbusto había un perro dormido ,y yo accidentalmente lo pase a pisar haciendo que el perro se despertara y que yo gritara como loca y me tirara a los brazos de tom

Tom:aaaaaaaaa me va morder me va a morderr-deciaa mientras me tomaba en brazos-cométela a ella,cometela a ella, tiene mejores piernas que las mias,las mias son muy flacas!!!-gritaba el muy cobarde

Andrea:tommmm no me sueltes si me sueltas me agarro de tu pie de donde sea pero hago que también te muerda-decia mientras el perro nos ladraba mas y mas

Tom:ahhhhh noooo yo noooooo,porque perrito muérdela a ella , no a mi todavía no conoci a jessica alba

Andrea:cállate!!! yo todavía no he conocido a brad pitt imagínate!!!!!

______:que hacen acá ustedes-bueno entre gritos y gritos ,se nos olvido que andábamos de espías encubiertos y resulto que nos pillaron

Tom:bill gemelo poco agraciado ayúdanos hecha al perroo-acto seguido Bill espanto al perro, pero se nos venia un gran reto de parte de bill y michel-que hacen aca pregunte???

Tom-andrea:fue culpa de el/ella-dijimos apuntándonos mutuamente y hablando a la misma vez-mia,!!no tuya!!!.dijimos nuevamente

Michel:por dios andre,porque nos seguías?-pregunto enojada

Andrea:fue el me obligo!!!!!

Tom:si claro tu me llamaste, diciéndome que los siguiéramos,cobarde-dije empujándolo

Bill-michel:ya paren!!!!-dijeron al unisonó

bueno aca esta el 24 espero que les gsute chaus comentann

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